I will Have fun!
I'm fundraising for kids with brain cancer!
I’m doing Connor’s Run to support the brave and awesome kids fighting brain cancer - the #1 disease killer of young people, and to fund the science that will one day end paediatric brain cancer.
Brain cancer research is on the tipping point. We can all be part of making important breakthroughs happen. My participation is something that I can do to support the science and in the meantime the patients. For all the people out there currently battling brain tumours and for those who couldn’t wait for research to progress any longer.
I’m doing this because I know we can find a way to make brain cancer go the way of the dinosaurs. Make a donation to my page and be part of making brains matter, together we can change the odds for young people.
My Achievements
Our Team

Abigail Escott

Alessia Ferdinands

Alice Weddell

Lucy Weddell (C)

Anthony Scarff

Arabella Forbes

Ava Reisinger

belle hartenstine

Bridget OSullivan

Caitie McWaters

Carolyn Ingram

Chelsea Chau

Chelsea Chau

Chelsea Chau

Claudia Sola

David Morton

Ella Lee

Eloise Escott

Emily Watts

eva cuthbertson

Felicity Scarff

Grace Lewis

Grace Edwards

Hannah Gibbs

Heidi Mottram

holly klose

Indi Dark

Isabella Watts

Isabelle Escott

Jacinda Zhang

Jen McBride

Kellie Dark

Lola White

Lucinda Borthwick

Matilda quill

Matilda Quill

Mia Sutherland

Nigel Ewart

Nigel Ewart

Phoebe Scarff

Phoebe Zhao

Pip Scarff

Ruby Arnheim

Siena Hampel

Sienna Cushen

Skye Weddell

Sophie Sneyd

Vanessa Cherney