Team members
We're fundraising for brain matters!
We're doing Connor’s Run to support the brave and awesome kids fighting brain cancer - the #1 disease killer of young people, and to fund the science that will one day end paediatric brain cancer.
Brain cancer research is on the tipping point. We can all be part of making important breakthroughs happen. Our participation is something that we can do to support the science and in the meantime the patients. For all the people out there currently battling brain tumours and for those who couldn’t wait for research to progress any longer.
We're doing this because we know we can find a way to make brain cancer go the way of the dinosaurs. Make a donation to our page and be part of making brains matter, together we can change the odds for young people.
Thank you to our Sponsors


Matched Donation
From some very generous RCD Foundation supporters

Haroula From Nikos Cakes

Matched Donation
From some very generous RCD Foundation supporters

Michael Arkalis
Tiktok live donations

Matched Donation
From some very generous RCD Foundation supporters

Tiktok Live Donations
TikTok live donations

Pamela Hunter
You are doing amazing things!

Nikki Dee

Tiktok Live Donations
Tiktok live donations

Paul Bucknell

Matched Donation
From some very generous RCD Foundation supporters

Vasiliki Gkourani
Keep Fighting it ,Michael. Lots of Love from Vasiliki. ❣️

Matched Donation
From some very generous RCD Foundation supporters

Rigopoulos Family
From Pappou Michael &Yiayia Soula &family

Matched Donation
From some very generous RCD Foundation supporters

Alison Thomson
Good luck Guys Your Champions. Love from Alison,Olivia &Ethan

Matched Donation
From some very generous RCD Foundation supporters

Rachael Cosmas

Mel T

Christina Panayidis

Nikos Cakes Family
With love and support from the Nikos Family ❤️

Fampio Tsela

Fampio Tsela

Theodora Arkalis
Go Mike and Peni. I know you will both smash it. Mike you’re my inspiration ❤️

Noor Ibrahim

Lewis Englefield

Connor's Run September 1st Matching
Donation matched by partners, Mister Zimi, the King Family Foundation, Suzuki, Bluegum and Middy's,

Michael Arkalis
Tiktok donations ❤️

Connor's Run September 1st Matching
Donation matched by partners, Mister Zimi, the King Family Foundation, Suzuki, Bluegum and Middy's,

Rina Lekkas
Go kick brain cancers ass Michael!!

Connor's Run September 1st Matching
Donation matched by partners, Mister Zimi, the King Family Foundation, Suzuki, Bluegum and Middy's,

Daniel Heading
Great work Michael!!

Connor's Run September 1st Matching
Donation matched by partners, Mister Zimi, the King Family Foundation, Suzuki, Bluegum and Middy's,

Renee T
Amazing work Michael!!

Russell Savige

Ramone (from Tiktok)

Act Fence Hire
for Michael anything